Beauty Rest

Beauty Rest

By the time you read this blog post, dear reader, I/we will either have gotten an abundance of beauty rest or none at all. Why? We took a short camping and hiking trip with friends this week. Gone Fishin’ But even though we have taken off from the ‘real world’ (whatever that means these days), […]

Sweet Change

Sweet Change

The title “Sweet Change” sums up all kinds of happenings recently. I’ll cover change here in this painting, in my own studio, in the region and in the news. But first, I need to describe the painting in this 2020 series. Favorite Things At the end of last year, an accomplished artist friend suggested I […]

Ratatouille To Be

Ratatouille To Be

Rather than “Ratatouille To Be,” I guess I could have called this “Eggplants Unite” or “Aubergines Forever!” But I decided to make Ratatouille with these eggplants and I just had to include that word in this painting’s title. Here’s why…oops…before the why…let’s cover the what. What’s this about? So if you’re new here, welcome! Each […]



Why is the name of this painting “Totem” and not just “Green Onions.” I stumbled across the word “Totem” as I read about onions this week. And, given the circumstances of the last 10 days, the symbolism of onions as a mechanism for tears seems appropriate. Don’t you think? This painting is a part of […]